Cocktails often work great alongside a cigar due to their unique interplay of ingredients, similar to the equally unique interplay of filler/binder/wrapper found within a cigar. Each have wonderful special nuances that separate one from the next, surprising your palate every time you try one. Classic ones to pair include the Negroni, Manhattan, Cuba Libre and the Dark & Stormy to mention a few.
Primary spirit bases like bourbon, rye, rum and scotch seem to work exceptionally well, but of course, beauty is in the eye of the cocktail holder. Try pairing your cigar with a few different cocktails and you’re likely to uncover a few matches made in heaven. Sip away my friend…
Some sublime sounds to enjoy a cigar to. Go ahead, pour yourself something. Experiences like these deserve the right soundtrack. Thankfully, we’ve curated a perfect one that you can listen to through through Spotify.
Click play, relax and puff away.