If given the opportunity within the right setting, I firmly believe that most men will jump at the chance to enjoy a good cigar among friends. Enjoying a cigar is a relaxing, ceremonial rite that has typically been experienced at one point or another by most men by age of around 35. In addition to this, you’d also be surprised as to how many women would jump at the opportunity, as smoking a cigar with the guys is inclusionary for women in a hobby that is typically seen as a “guy’s thing”.

Cigar smokers usually seek out others who also share the same passion for a good cigar over good conversation. This gathering of cigar smokers is typically referred to as a ‘herf’, and is usually a fun time spent socializing within a haze of cigar smoke and laughter among fellow lovers of the leaf.

Providing cigars to friends is entirely up to you

Truth however, is that not all your friends smoke cigars.

Thus, as an experienced cigar smoker it then becomes your opportunity to provide your friends with a good cigar to enjoy – for every avid cigar smoker had to start somewhere. Considering that you are the one who’s come equipped with a cutter, a proper cigar lighter and, of course, cigars, it could be your cigar offering that ends up igniting a newfound passion for cigars in a friend that could go on to last a lifetime.

For you, the next ‘cigar convert’ to add to your next herf could be right around the corner.

Thus I present…

The Challenge

Like myself, I’d like to think that most cigar smokers gain great satisfaction from watching friends enjoy a fine cigar that they’ve provided them with. Of course, you only smoke good cigars, right? So to see others enjoying cigars that you’ve hand-selected confirms that you certainly know a good cigar when you see one.

Though not every cigar smoker agrees, I firmly believe that cigar smoking is best enjoyed in the company of others. The fact is however, that the average guy doesn’t usually carry around cigars (or a cigar for that matter) on him like an experienced cigar smoker typically does. Though your men’s league hockey buddy may enjoy multiple beers each week, he may not have smoked a cigar since, well, that last bachelor party he attended almost two years ago.

Thus, it is now up to you – the experienced cigar smoker – to potentially extend a cigar offering to him.

Truth is, not all your friends smoke cigars. Thus, as an experienced cigar smoker, it becomes your decision to provide your friends with a good hand made cigar to enjoy, for every avid cigar smoker had to start somewhere.”

Hey – you’re a generous guy. Your buddies all know that about you. Problem is, cigars ain’t cheap, and for a novice who hasn’t smoked a cigar for years (or at all), it may not be wise to place a robust, $35 cigar in his hand, as its quality may go unappreciated.

Of course you don’t want to give them a poor quality cigar either.

Thus I offer….

The Solution

Having the insight for such possible occasions to arise, I like to carry a small, compact leather cigar case with me at all times that holds up to 3 cigars, accompanied by a trusty butane cigar lighter (never a cigarette lighter) and a classic straight cutter.

As for cigars, I generally carry a balance ranging from mild to medium to full bodied, erring on the side of having more mild flavored ones to provide to others. A mild- to medium-bodied cigar like an Ashton Classic or a Romero y Julietta Reserva Real both serve as ideal offerings for a novice smoker, as their character is not overpowering for an underdeveloped palate – and the price point won’t break the bank either.

A mild-bodied cigar usually makes the best offering to a novice smoker

Providing a nice cigar to friends creates an opportunity to open a few eyes to this wonderful hobby, and affords you a fun opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and technique of the craft. Just please – don’t become an elitist, “Captain Explain-o type” as no one loves an uppity Mr. Know-It-All show-off.

An elitist attitude is certainly not what The Gentleman’s Flavor is all about.

Of course, cigar smoking is not for everyone, so refrain from pressuring anyone to do so, plus, don’t forget that it is not your responsibility to provide others with cigars, so don’t feel obligated, but do keep an open mind toward such generosity. Leading by example is your best bet here, as others will take notice of your technique and passion for cigar smoking, and may choose to follow and ultimately return the favor somewhere on down the road.

Kurt Bradley is the founder of The Gentleman’s Flavor, to which he is also a contributing editor, host and curator.

His work is published in Cigar Journal magazine and he has provided commentary to Cigar Aficionado magazine. He is also a certified Whisky Ambassador accredited by the Scotch Whisky Association.

He lives in Toronto, Ontario.

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