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So far Admin has created 135 blog entries.

Coast To Coast: The Craft Boom of Canadian Rum


Since originating in the West Indies sometime in the 1600's, rum has remained hugely popular in coastal communities and with those known as 'sea-faring people'. To pay homage to the recent craft boom of

Coast To Coast: The Craft Boom of Canadian Rum2021-03-30T14:53:21-04:00

5 Warming Cocktails To Beat Cold Weather


Unless you happen live in a climate that remains nice and warm year round, you're likely going to be exposed to the colder elements during the late fall and winter seasons. As I write

5 Warming Cocktails To Beat Cold Weather2022-11-01T11:27:51-04:00

The Five After Five: 5 Whiskies Under $35


Just 35 dollars? Canadian? Really? [NOTE: At time of writing, this converts to approximately $26 USD] Bargain Hunting 101 Yard and or gar(b)age sales, flea markets and antique stores are all places I check

The Five After Five: 5 Whiskies Under $352020-10-20T00:56:45-04:00

On Pairing Cigars and Coffee (with Delicia Silva)


The anticipation and excitement generally kicks in after a quick whiff of some very familiar and pleasurable aromatics: The opening of a bag of coffee beans. The grinding of coffee beans. The percolating of

On Pairing Cigars and Coffee (with Delicia Silva)2021-01-15T20:58:23-05:00

A Little Cheer For The Clear Spirits


A little while back, while out and about in downtown Toronto, I found myself out with a friend for some hipster tacos and overly complicated cocktails at a popular Queen St. West spot that

A Little Cheer For The Clear Spirits2021-01-05T19:48:18-05:00

Gin & Tonic: A Preventative Potation For COVID-19?


NOTE: The following article does NOT advise that consuming alcohol can be used as protection or as a cure from COVID-19 or any other virus. Take the following article with a pinch of salt,

Gin & Tonic: A Preventative Potation For COVID-19?2020-06-13T13:46:32-04:00


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